Embodied Practice

“Neurons that fire together, wire together.” (Hebb’s Axiom) This means that any relationship we have, including our work together, can aid in changing these patterns to rewire. Whether you are dealing with feeling stressed, alone, depressed, anxious, disconnected, or struggling within your relationship…it can change!

On a very deep level we want to feel connected, understood, and seen. Unnecessarily, we can become the obstacle for this because we are defaulting to a program that needs to be updated. These old patterns can manifest in addiction, betrayal, isolation, and an overall feeling of dissatisfaction and disconnection (deregulation).

We can actually rewire our brains

dendriteWhen we are free to truly see and understand the connection to our brain, mind, and relationships, we can actually rewire our brains to build new neural pathways for new ways of thinking and being. Most of what we do, we have no idea why we do it; almost 85% is not on a conscious level. We cannot do it alone; we are built to be interrelational and through our connection become more regulated and whole.

This practice combines a mindful understanding of our stories, our history, our relationships, and how they connect to our bodies. How we focus our attention shapes the structure of our brain. We are embodied and the mind-body connection can get overlooked when just talking. Going deeper to understand how the patterns began, how they impact your body and how to calm the brain from being triggered to an arousal state is how we begin to connect to new memories and ways of being.

The work of Dr. Daniel Siegel, Allan Schore and others in the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) have changed the way we see the possibility for change. Thanks to science and technology, we are beginning to learn that the brain can build endless new neural nets.

Learn more about my approach…